With ever increasing scientific information, it has not been possible for the researchers and scientists to get their work published in comparatively Fewer number of journals in each branch of science. With this intension, present book is an attempt to include the recent researches in the field of aquatic ecology. The book comprises of 14 research papers and reviews on the role of fungi in aquatic ecosystem, macrophytes of Dal lake, Ecological Studies of algae, Ecological and onvironmental impacts of man made lakes, Aquatic productivity related with fish yields, physico-chemical characteristics of river Ganga, Impact of Koradi thermal power station on change in water quality, Fish and fishery potential of Morar (Kalpi) river, Aquatic pollution in the Cooum river, Effect of short term enrichment of phosphorus on phytoplanktonic primary production, Deterioration in quality of drinking water due to contaminants, Pollution of lake Hussain sagar, Hydrobiological studies of river Narmada and Systematics, distribution and ecology of fresh water rotifera by the prominent scientist from different parts of the country. This book will be useful to the Hydrobiologists, Fishery Biologists and students of Ecology and Environmental sciences in various respects.