Section I:
1. At thy feet, Divodasa, Dhanvantari
Section II:
2. Initiation and training of physicians
Section III: Surgical Profile of Clinical Practice
3. Surgical procedures; pre- and postoperative care (pradhana, pilrva and paScat karma)
4. Surgical instruments (yantras and Sastras)
5. Use of alkalis (Ksara)
6. Cauterisation (agnikarma); burns and treatment
7. Blood-letting (raktavisravana). methods and management
8. Assorted surgical techniques
9. Fractures and dislocations (Kandabhagna. Sandhimukta)
Section IV: Introduction to Clinical Practice
10. Diseases and their classification
11. Time, seasons and the human body
12. Dosas
13. Fall and rise of dosas, dhatus and malas;
14. Rasas
15. Wholesomeness. food incompatibilities
16. Geographical influences in pharmacy
17. Principles of therapeutics
Section V: Food and Drinks
18. Liquids for intake
19. Food
20. A code for dining
Section VI:
21. Predictors of death and recovery
Section VII: Drugs
22. Basis of drug action. drugs as substances
23. Tastes in the transformation of substances
24. Classification
25. Emetics and purgatives
26. Drugs for topical use in wounds, abscesses and ulcers
Section VIII: Systemic Diseases
27. Vata disorders (vatavyadhi)
28. Piles (arsas)
29. Urinary calculi (asmari)
30. Urinary obstruction; difficult urination
31. Diseases of the urinary tract (prameha)
32. Fistula-in-ano (bhagandara)
33. Skin diseases (kustha)
34. Abdominal swelling (udararoga)
35. Inflammation and suppuration (Sopha)
36. Abscesses (vidradhi)
37. Cellulitis, sinuses, breast disease in women (Visarpa, nadi, stanaroga)
38. Ulcers (vrana)
39. Traumatic injuries (sadyaovvrana)
40. Cystic and glandular swelling; tumours; goitre (grandhi, apaci, arbuda, galaganda)
41. Scrotal swellings; genital inflammation
42. Minor disorders (Ksudraroga)
43. Sukadosa
44. Oral diseases (mukharoga)
Section IX: More Systemic Diseases and Related Conditions
45. Fevers (jvara)
46. Diarrhea (atisara)
47. Phthisis (Sosa)
48. Gaseous lumps of the abdomen (gulma)
49. Heart disease; pallor and jaundice; internal bleeding (Hrdroga, Panduroga, kamala, raktapitta)
50. Fainting; alcoholic disorders (murccha, panatyaya))
51. Morbid thirst; loss of appetite; regurgitation; vomiting; hiccup9trsna, arocaka, udavarta chardi, hikka)
52. Shortness of breath; cough; hoarse voice (Svasa, kasa, svarabheda)
53. Worm infestation; diarrhea due to indigestion (krmiroga, visucika)
Section X: Diseases of the Head and Neck (SaIakyatantra)
54. Eye and eye diseases
55. Treatment of eye diseases
56. Eye diseases; treatment by surgical measures
57. Diseases of the pupillary region (Drsti)
58. Medical procedures in the treatment of eye diseases
59. Diseases of the ear nose and head
60. Diseases of the ear lobe following elongation
Section XI: Diseases of Planetary Origin
61. Children's diseases caused by junior planets (baIagraha)
62. Role of planets in the origin of disorders
63. Seizures (apasmara)
64. Insanity (unmada)
Section XII: Poisoning (Visa)
65. Poisoning
66. Fixed and mobile poisons
67. Snake bite (sarpadasta)
68. Poisoning by rats and other animals (musikavisa and others)
69. Poisoning by insects (kitavisa)
Section XIII: Medical Procedures
70. Lubricant therapy and fomentation (snehana, svedana)
71. Emesis and purgation (vamana, virecana)
72. Enemas (vasti)
73. Complications of medical procedures
74. Smoking, snuffing and gargling (dhuma, nasya, kavala)
Section XIV: Birth and Development of a human being
75. Origin of life
76. Procreation; fetal anomalies
77. Development of the fetus
78. Development of the fetus; dosa prakrti
79. Pregnancy; delivery; neonatal care
80. Malpresentations of the fetus (mu4hagarbha)
81. A count of body parts
82. Vital spots (marmas)
83. Srotas: siras and dhamanIs
Section XV: Rules for Healthy Living
84. Life in harmony with seasons
85. Warding off diseases
86. Virile therapy (vajikarana)
87. Rejuvenant therapy (rasayana)