The laboratory experience is a wonderful learning opportunity for students!" This firm belief had motivated the author to write this book "Teaching of Chemistry Practicals", which is result of the Author's Teaching and work experience in university and industry practical and caters to more advanced experiments in Chemistry.
This book is written for Students pursuing Graduate courses in Indian universities/colleges with Chemistry as one of the subjects. The book will be useful to students of Science (BSc) as well as to students pursuing Engineering and Polytechnics having elementary chemistry as one of the subjects, to pharmacy students and that taking environmental science course. It has been written in simple and lucid language and incorporates all technical details and fundamentals. Most recent information available has been incorporated at appropriate places in the book yet retaining the simplistic approach.
Experiments covered in book are segregated into different sections, namely, inorganic chemistry experiments containing inorganic qualitative analysis, organic chemistry experiments, physical chemistry experiments and titrimetric analysis that includes red ox and precipitation titration. Additionally, viva voce under two different heads is included: one with answers of questions relates to experiments, another with only questions to be answered by student. This will help the student carry out self evaluation of the understanding of the concepts after having completed experiments in laboratory. Avery important aspect handled by this text is safely! This is often the most neglected side of chemistry laboratory experiments. Further, important working hints given in the book will come handy for students to work with best efficiency and usage of laboratory space and time.
It is anticipated that the book will prove valuable for students and will fulfill their quest for the subject. After using this book student will be able to understand, interpret and utilize the practical aspects of Chemistry in a better way. Most recent information available has been incorporated at appropriate places in the book, yet retaining simplistic approach. |