This book would provide a vision among young generation and would be helpful to develop the insight among parents and their offspring. The contents of this book enlighten the close nexus between self belief of teenagers / adolescents and parental behaviour. The authors have keenly evaluated the effect of parental behaviour by making it clear that personal enhancement of a child is not a single day job, it takes several years for developing a healthy personality and the life skills. A realistic self-appraisal and enhanced self belief may help a child/teenager/student to avoid frustration, anxiety and depression and this is possible only, when the parents are able to prove themselves as 'torch-bearer.
The parental behaviour acts as a catalyst to boost the latent talent of an adolescent, which also in-turn gives clarity of perception with reference to any of the challenges, which an adolescent may face during the course of his life. A positive and matured parental behaviour provides guidance to the child for helping him to take his own decisions as and when required. The parents generally have a tendency to overestimate or to underestimate the potentials/capabilities of their offspring. Similarly, students also commit mistake of wrong appraisal of their self-worth and caliber. This book would certainly help such parents and adolescents to develop the realistic approach for their self assessment.
This book would be useful for teenagers, adolescents, parents and counselors and to all of those who feel concerned with the younger ones by understanding their psychology and personality because the global development of the world lies on their shoulders. |