1. Introduction
2. Reflections on Globalisation and its Logic
3. Globalism and the Politics of Place
4. Resisting Globalisation of the System of Business Knowledge
5. The Globalisation of the System of Business Knowledge
6. Resisting Globalization Environmental Politics in Eastern Asia
7. The Political Economy of Globalisation in East Asia
8. Investing in the Future
9. Rethinking Globalisation
10. Servicing the Global Economy
11. Globalisation and the Limits to National Economic Management
12. Class Formation, Hybridity and Ethnification in Declining Global Hegemonies
13. Citizens in Transnational Nation-states
14. Globalisation, Transmigration and the Renegotiation of Ethnic Identity
15. Globalisation, Postcolonialism and New Representations of the Pacific Asian Metropolis