Genetics is the branch of biology which deals with the study and heredity and variation. Genetisists study how the characteristics of an individual organism depend on its genes, how the characteristics are passed down the next generation, and how changes may occur through mutation. A person's behaviour, ïearning ability and physiology may be explained partly through genetics, although the environment in which an individual grows up may have a considerable influence too. As a result, scientists today have been able to come up with numerous sciences like genetic engineering, genetic fingerprinting and gene therapy, all of which have been of immense worth to humanity.
'Genetic Science and Technology' is a book which has been written to serve as a valuable guide and introductory manual on the subject of genetics. Beginning with its origins, from the discoveries of Johann Mende!, the book outlines the growth, development and prominence of this Science. Highlighting the principles involved in the subject, it gives a comprehensive analysis of the numerous issues, the various techniques, and the current trends and developments in the field.