Vol. 1: The Development of Mass Communication : The Evolution of Mass Communications. New Media Technologies: The Information Machines. New Media Technologies: The Network. New Media: The Political Dimension. Broadcast Television: Decline or Renewal. Cable Television: The Perils of Success. Images of Political Candidates. The Impact of Presidential Debates. Covering Campaign Ads. TV Violence, Children, and the Press. Hollywood: Remodeling the Dream Factory.
Vol. 2: Theories of Communication : Media and its Messages. Guilt and Social Influence. Management in the Context of Selective Exposure Theory. Resistance to Interpersonal Behaviour. Theory in Small Group Communication. Media and U.S. Public Relations.
Vol. 3: World Communication : World Politics in Transition: New Developments in International Relations. International Flow of Information: A Framework of Analysis. News and Views: Designing the World's Symbolic Environment. Broadcasting the World: National and International Images. Cultural Industry: From Books to Computers. Political Economy of Information: Transnational Data Flows. International Interactions: Travel and Tourism. Communication Research. A Serious Look at Children's Television--no Kidding. Television as a Teacher. The Civil War to the Gulf War. Television as a Maturing Medium.
Vol. 4: Cinema and Multimedia : Cinema and Multimedia. More than Meets the Eye: An Exploration of Literature Related to the Mass Media's Role in Encouraging Changes in Body Image. Current Research Programs on Relational Maintenance Behaviors. Sexual Violence and Media. A View of Conflict Management Styles.
Vol. 5: Multimedia and Political Power : The Influence and Effects of Mass Media. Political Communication Systems and Democratic Values. Newspapers. Framing China. Monica Lewinsky's Contribution to Political Science. How Synthetic Experience Shapes Social Reality. Agenda-Setting Research: Where has it been, Where is it Going?. The Media on Child Abuse. News Source Use in the Crash of 1987: A Study of Four National Medial. What Moves Public Opinion?. Public Journalism and Soical Capital: The Case of Madison, Wisconsin. Multimedia and the Environment. Multimedia and Political Advertising. How the News Media Cover Presidential Campaigns. Mainstream Candidates on the Internet. The Miscast Institution. Politics and Telemythology. Coverage of Campaign Agendas in the United States and Britain. The Uses of News: Theory and (Presidential) Practice. Surrogate State Department? Times Coverage of Palestine, 1948. How Members of Congress Use the Media to Influence Public Policy.
Vol. 6: Multimedia Perspectives: Power of Television : Television Days. Teleliteracy Pretest. Mass Media and Mass Contempt. A Broad Look at Broadcast History. TV is too Important to Turn off. TV is Not a Vast Wasteland. Links between TV and Violence should be taken with a Grain Assault. TV Can Be Literacy's Friend as well as its Foe. Marshall McLuhan was Right: There is a Global Village. Marshall McLuhan was Wrong: The Medium is not the Message. Television Deserves More Respect. Some Television is Literature--and Vice Versa. Television Deserves Serious Study. Teleliteracy is Here...So Telefriend. Human Flow Across National Boundaries: Intercultural Communication. Information Technology: Developing Communication Systems and Policies. Communication and Development: The Emerging Orders. Television at its Best. Television as a Serious Subject.
Vol. 7: Media Conflict with Governments : The Conflict with the Media. Care Studies. Statistics. Newspapers. The Media's Bias?. The Media's Response. Development of Bias. Scenario. Legal Limitations on the Media. The Prospects for Reform. Developing Nations. Developed Nations.
Vol. 8: Multimedia and Foreign Policy Issues : The Media and Watergate. Media, Protest, and Political Violence: A Transactional Analysis. Homicide and Bargained Justice: The Agenda-Setting Effect of Crime News on Prosecutors. Mass Media Roles in Foreign Policy. The Impact of Investigative Reporting on Public Opinion and Policy Making: Targeting Toxic Waste. The Role of the Press in the Health Care Reform Debate of 1993-1994. Interest Groups, The Media, and Policy Debate Formation: An Analysis of Message Structure, Rhetoric, and Source Cues. Regulating and Manipulating Media Effects. Communications Policy and the Public Interest. Television and the Struggle for Power in Russia. How Policymakers Deal with the Press. Ethical Conflict and Investigative Reporting: Le Monde and the Contaminated Blood Affair. World Opinion During Times of Crisis. Strategic Communication.
Vol. 9: Politics and Use of Personal Media : The Changing Personal Media. The Ayatollah and the Tapes. The Advent of the Videocassette Recorder and Portable Video Camera. Personal Media in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the Early 1980s. Political uses of Personal Computers. Computer Dangers. Honesty and Dishonesty in Voting--A Tale of Two Countries. The Use of Facsimile by Panamanian Dissidents and in Other Political Situations. Electronic News Releases and Program Length Commercials. Hostage Takers, Videos, the Mass Media, and the Conduct of Foreign Policy. Personal Electronic Media in the 1988 U.S. Election Campaign. The China Story. Freedom and Destabilization.
Vol.10: Political Communication in the Modern World : Evolution of Political Communication. Major Problems in Political Communication. The Process of News Communication. Chronology. Biographical Sketches. Legal Documents and Court Cases. Associations and Organizations. Print and Nonprint Resources.