This book has been divided into three part brings together the key papers on multifaceted issues on globalization and economic development. This book contains 88 papers contributed by scholars who belong to various universities colleges institutes located in different regions of the country. The contributors have presented their best analytic studies directly or indirectly connected with different aspects and issues of globalization and economic development. In the first section: Globalization and economic development, growth and development of agriculture and allied sector in the contex of globalization. In the second section globalization and industry 13 papers evaluate the progress of agricultural stagnation, vision 2020 and performance of various industries in the context of globalization. in the third section 15 papers are mainly concerned with poverty, incom and employment and growth of unemployment. In section four six paper examine the growth and performance of reail sector in india. In section five 19 papers discuss the progress of FDI inflows in india, disinvestment policy, capital market and financial derrvatives as a tool of risk management. In section six three papers evaluate the progress of indian tourism industry and in the last section one paper examines the issues related with valu added tax revenus efficiency in india.