1. What Constitutes Child Labour?
2. Extracts from the International Labour Code
3. Resolution Concerning the Protection of Children and Young Workers
4. Declaration of the Rights of the Child
5. Convention 138-Convention Concerning Minimum Age Admission to Employment
6. Recommendation 146 - Recommendation Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment
7. International Year of the Child
8. Child Labour and Traditional Measures
9. Declaration by the Director-General of the ILO Concerning the International Year of the Child
10.Relevant International Instruments Covering Child Labour
11.The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
12. Child Labour in India
13. Child Labor in India
14. The Problem of Child Labour
15. Social Welfare Legislation
16. Child Labour in India-A Story of Merciless Human Wreckage
17. Indian Constitution and Child Labour
18. Towards Eliminating Child Labour-Legal Framework for State Action
19. Child Labour
20. Employment of Children
21. Child Labour
22. National Policy by Children
23. List of ILO Conventions Ratified by India
24. Extracts from Committee on Child Labour, 1979-Report
25. The Committee on Child Labour
26. Child Labour in India
27. The National Child Labour Policy,1987
28. The Child Labour Act, 1986 and the Child Labour Rules, 1988
29. National Authority for Elimination of Child Labour
30. Child Labour-Important Committees
31. Chronology of Legislation of Child Labour in India
32. Child Labour-A Statistical Survey
33. Draft for Discussion-The Child Labour
34. List of Institutions and Organisation Concerned with Child Labour