CONTENTS:- 1. First law of thermodynamics. 2. Second law of thermodynamics. 3. Statistical thermodynamics. 4. Heat buoyancy instability and turbulence. 5. Turbulence heat and waves. 6. Energy work and heat. 7. Entropy. 8. Conduction heat transfer. 9. Convection heat transfer. 10. Radiant heat transfer. 11. Boiling heat transfer. 12. Heat exchanges. 13. Heat generation. 14. Decay heat production. 15. Thermodynamics of adsorption. 16. Non equilibrium thermodynamics. 17. Thermodynamics of small scale systems. 18. Classical irreversible thermodynamics.
The book explores in a thorough manner the laws regulating thermodynamics especially as they have been derived from a more fundamental starting point in the past century that of statistical mechanics. Apart from taking into account the principles processes and practices of the field it also turns its attention to the current research in this field covering critical phenomena the special and universal properties of substances just as from liquid to gas. It also brings in numerous illustrations diagrams numericals and examples all of which aid in better understanding of the subject.