CONTENTS:- Part One: From the Uncertainty Relation to Many-Body Systems: Quantum Mechanics of Point Particles; Scattering of Particles by Potentials; The Principles of Quantum Theory; Space-Time Symmetries in Quantum Physics; Applications of Quantum Mechanics. Part Two: From Symmetries in Quantum Physics to Electroweak Interactions: Symmetries and Symmetry Groups in Quantum Physics; Quantized Fields and their Interpretation; Scattering Matrix and Observables in Scattering and Decays; Particles with Spin 1/2 and the Dirac Equation; Elements of Quantum Electrodynamics and Weak Interactions.
Scheck's Quantum Physics presents a comprehensive introductory treatment, ideally suited for a two-semester course. Part One covers the basic principles and prime applications of quantum mechanics, from the uncertainty relations to many-body systems. Part Two introduces to relativistic quantum field theory and ranges from symmetries in quantum physics to electroweak interactions. Numerous worked-out examples as well as exercises, with solutions or hints, enables the book's use as an accompanying text for courses, and also for independent study. For both parts, the necessary mathematical framework is treated in adequate form and detail. The book ends with appendices covering mathematical fundamentals and enrichment topics, plus selected biographical notes on pioneers of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.