CONTENTS:- Devadasi Custom Justification for the study; The Development of the Devadasi System; Stronghold of the System; Management of the System; Selection and Functions; Relations of Devadasis; Opposition to the Custom; Devadasi Cult: A Sociological Approach; Genesis of Devadasi Cult; Devadasi Cult: A Case Study of Belgaum; Devadasis of Yellampura Village; Continuity of Devadasi Cult; Reformation and Rehabilitation of Devadasis; Recommendation; Devadasi an Anthropolgic Study; Devadasi Custom; Devadasi Custom and the Shrines; From Sacred Servant to Prostitute; An Assessment; Conclusion.
Multiplicity of sexual crimes today is a horrifying legacy of modern civilized societies. It will, therefore, be worthwhile to study religious and social customs of devadasis prevalent in India through the ages. This book will provide inputs for us to evolve a sustainable, civilized and peaceful social order.