Endemic and Threatened Flowering Plants of Maharashtra
Mishra, Dipak Kumar & Singh, N.P.
List Price : US$ 32.08 Our Price : US$ 25.66
Book ID : 33331
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Edition :
Language : English
xxvi, 414p., 14 Col. Plts., 7 Maps, Tables, 25 cm. (Flora of India: Series-4)
CONTENTS:- I. Introduction: 1. Physiography; 2. Drainage system; 3. Geology and soil; 4. Climate; II. Past and present work: 1. Past work; 2. Reasons for undertaking; 3. The present work; 4. Material and methods; III. Vegetation; IV. IUCN revised Red Data categories; V. Enumeration of endemic and threatened taxa; VI. Information regarding international trade practices of some plants; VII. Discussion; VIII. Conclusion.
All the families in the present work have been arranged according to Bentham & Hooker’s (1862-1883) system of classification with adjustment according to their present delimitation. The genera, species and infraspecific taxa are arranged alphabetically which seems more convenient to follow. Nomenclature of each taxon has been checked properly and updated. Complete citation of the taxa, which includes correct name, basionym and synonyms wherever necessary is given along with reference to original publications, district and state Floras, besides the Flora of British India and also reference to other similar works. After citations Vernacular names (Wherever available), Information of Type specimens (if known), Description, Flowering & Fruiting period, Reference to illustration (wherever available), Habitat, Distribution, Specimens examined, Status, Criteria for determining the status and Notes are given. Under Types, those specimens which have been examined are marked with exclamatory marks (!) and under Types as well as Specimens examined, the herbarium where the respective specimens are lodged is indicated by their acronym within parenthesis. Under Notes, observations about the respective taxa along with their distinguishing characters have been provided. At the end of enumeration, a list of plants occurring in Maharashtra having international trade data have been given along with their value and the name of the country to where it is exported.