Political Parties of India wrong Policies of the two main Political parties of the Sub-Continent and leadership of Kashmir-all the three-acted against their respective interests and these contributing elements created Kashmir imbroglio which resulted into three wars and finally into a prolonged proxy war. Militants concentrated at Charar-e-Sharief with the Beginning of 1995, Military sieged the town in March 1995 and finally on 10th, 11th and 12th of May 95, the town, the tomb, the hospices were burnt injuring the public sentiment. The Book highlights the eminence of Sheikh Noor-ud-din (Nund Reshi); what is a ReshiSynthesis in Bhakti and Tassawof; the dozens of Reshi Shrines dotted in the State and their links with Charar-e-Sharief; consequently, the impact of this destruction on the public mind: inquisitive probing to locate the blame; the actual Loss to the people, architecture, history, culture, Poetry etc.; and did Government of India fail to protect? |