CONTENTS:- 1. Dharmakirti on Criteria of Knowledge; 2. Dharmakirti on the Distiction between Svarthanumana and Pararthanumana; 3. Some Distinctive Features of Dharmakirti’s Logic; 4. Post-Udayana Nyaya Reactions to Dharmakirti’s Vadanyaya: An Evaluation; 5. Pramana-Samplava V/S Pramana-Vyavastha (Viplava): A Glimpse of Nyaya-Buddhist Controversy; 6. Some Distinctive Features of Buddhist Logic; 7. Some Thoughts on Significant Contributions of Buddhist Logicians; 8. Buddhist Conception of Prameya: A CriLical Study; 9. Some Epistemological and Social Implications of Ksanikata; 10. The Buddhist Concept of Santana: Some Reflections; 11. Duhkha: An Analysis of Buddhist Clue to Understand Human Nature; 12. Krtapranasa and Akrtabhyagama: An Analysis, Defence and Rationale of the Buddhist theory of Action; 13. Lost Buddhist Text: Rationale of their Reconstruction in Sanskrit; 14. Lankavatara-Sutra: On the Nature and Function of Language; 15. Tibetan Contributions to Indian Civilisation and Buddhist Culture.
The fifteen essays on Buddhism included in this collection is a representative sample of contributions dealing with different aspects of Buddhist Philosophy. Instead of merely being given to statement of facts, they refreshingly analyze various concepts, notions, doctrines, controversies etc., explain nuances and intricacies in their rationale and bring out some of their novel prominent implications. They are presented within the cover of a single book for the first time.