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CONTENTS:- I. INTRODUCTION : 1. The Centrality of Ethics in Buddhism. II. BACKGROUND TO BUDDHISM : 2. The Vedic-Upanisadic-Hindu System of Values; 3. Classical Indian Ethics: An Appraisal. III. BUDDHISM ON ETHICS AND KARMA : 4. Buddhist Ethics: Integrating Vertical and Horizontal Developments; 5. The Buddhist Foundation of Morality; 6. The Buddhist Ethicization of Karma, Samsara, and Rebirth; 7. Ethical Holism of Emptiness in the Madhyamika Philosophy. IV. BUDDHISM AND INTERCULTURALITY : 8. A Buddhist Model of Interculturality: Cultural Encounters of Buddhsim with Hinduism, Confucianism, and Taoism; 9. Looking for the post Modern Ideas in the Buddha and Nagarjuna. V. BUDDHISM ON KNOWLEDGE, REALITY, AND SELF : 10. Understanding Buddhist Epistemology; 11. A Buddhist Face of Constructive Realism; 12. Dreamless Sleep in Vedanta: A Buddhist Critique. VI. BUDDHISM AND PERSPECTIVES ON TIME : 13. A Critique of the Samskrtalaksanas a sthe Principle of Change and Temporality; 14. Buddhism and Leibniz on Time: An Intercultural Study; 15. Newton and Leibniz on Time: A Controversy between Absolutism and Relationism; 16. The Problem of Time in Indian Philosophy. |
This book, through extensive textual study, explores the Buddha's and Buddhism's uncompromising and unflinching emphasis on the centrality of ethics as against any pernicious dogmas and metaphysical beliefs, and their attempts to causally relate moral perfection to soteriological or eschatological goal. What is most admirable about Buddhism is that it integrates the vertical development of human consciousness, for which the other is the necessary condition, with the gradual development of morality. It was this emphasis which separated Siddhartha, before he attained the Awakened Wisdom (bodhi), from his teachers - Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta- and it is for this reason that the Buddha calls himself and his Dhamma patisotagami, i.e. going against the currents of the prevailing dogmas and pernicious beliefs. In brief, Buddhism is about overcoming of suffering, the greatest evil, through ethicization of human consciousness and conduct, which also takes care of the ethicization of the society and the universe. Besides, some of the essays of this book explore many other themes like Buddhist epistemology, nature of self, time, and interculturality. |