Movement and Mimesis: The Idea of Dance in the Sanskritic Tradition
Bose, Mandakranta
List Price : US$ 38.80 Our Price : US$ 31.04
Book ID : 32355
ISBN-10 : 81-246-0421-5 / 8124604215
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Edition : (First Edition)
Language : English
xii, 332p., Abb., Gloss., Bib., Index, 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. The Literature of Dance; 3. The Natyasastra and the concept of Dance; 4. Lasya: A Dramatic Art; 5. Nartya and Uparupaka; 6. Bandha and Anibhandha; 7. The Desi Tradition; 8. Conclusion.
The antiquity of dance in India is well known but its precise characteristics are not. What, exactly, constituted dancing? How was it distinguished from other performing arts? These and other fundamental question about the nature of dancing can best be answered by delving into the rich corpus of extant Sanskrit treatises on dancing, Which extend over two thousand years. Of all source of the history dancing, these works remain the most eloquent witness, for they record not only precepts of the art but also the details of its practice. The present book reconstructs the evolving discourse on dancing in India by making an exhaustive comparative study, the first of its kind, of all available Sanskrit works. The author traces the growth of the techniques and form of dancing and show how the central tradition of the art, and also the oldest, extended by contact with peripheral regional, style, including foreign ones, and eventually merged with them into a synthesis that form the basis of preset-day classical dances of India. Manadakranta Bose's research in the Sanskritic tradition of India dance and drama has led her to view these arts equally in their historical, theatrical and performance aspects.