Accustomed to understanding security primarily a matter spatial exercise in distancing and boundary making on the part of states and their military alliances to secure borders and institutions from outside threats, the nation of the world have so far given a short shrift to the gravity of environmental degradation as a non-traditional security threat, or as a factor or catalyst of intrastate or interstate conflict, or at worst, a security threat to entire humanity until the shafts of retaliatory responses of the infuriated climate change to the cloddish and brutish power of the rich industrialized nation to destroy it by its emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, pointed toward man menacing with funereal and cascading consequences of global warming. Thus climate change, which has so far been on the fringe of human concern, or in American President’s view a myth or the hoax, has catapulted into the center stage of great political flare up among the nation of the world on the issue of apportioning the responsibility on rich industrialized nation or the populous South to mitigate the dangers of the climate change, which seems to be mired in the contradiction between North’s advocacy of inequity in having uncontested access to the atmosphere as carbon sinks, and equity while disabusing the atmosphere of the carbon debris. Not walking on trodden furrows, this book expatiates on the desideratum of a paradigm shift from faith in the Newtonian mechanistic view of the universe to a faith in the profundity of Eastern wisdom and new insights presently found in science, which see both nature and human beings as warp and woof woven beautifully into the divine tapestry.