CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. Is the Nation of the Human Right a Western Concept? by Raimundo Panikkar. 3. A Response; by Arvind Sharma. 4. Conclusion.
This book presents an in depth exploration of this issue in a novel format, by presenting a celebrated piece on this issue by Raimundo Panikkar, with a detailed response to it Arvind Sharma, thereby laying bare several key dimension of the debate which may otherwise escape notice. Raimundo (now Raimon) Panikkar, who holds three doctorates, is the son of a catalen mother and a Hindu Nair father. He has been a prominent advocate of interreligious dialogue throughout his distinguished life, in the course of which he taught at the Universities of Madrid and Rome and Europe and then at Harvard University (1967-1971) and the University of California-Santa Barbra (1971-1978).