CONTENTS:- 1. Health and Society; 2. Peole and Health; 3. The Role of the Nurse; 4. Science and the Art of Nursing; 5. Care Implications of Disorders of the Nervous System; 6. Care Implications of Disorders of the Sensory Organs; 7. Care Implications of Disorders of Learning; 8. Care Implications of Disorders of Mood, Emotions and Sleep.
The importance of health to and within society is further emphasized by the amount of attention given to health issues by the media, especially television and the press. Even a Cursory study of most daily newspapers will reveal atleast one article relating to health. Nurses, then, as health professionals must be concerned with the health-of-patients ad client throughout the life-span and should be able to assess the health status of those with whom they come into contact either in the community or in hospital.