CONTENTS:- Jain Religion. Theory of Karma (Law of Causation). Six Dravyas. Seven Tatvas. Fourteen Gunasthanas. Three Jewels of Jainism. Jain Ethics. Jain Mysticism. Jain View of the Universe. Jain Puja. Jain Principles. Jain Texts. Life of Arishtanemi. Life of Rishabha. List of the Sthaviras. 24 Tirthankaras. Timeline of Jainism. Glossary of Jain Word.
This book deals with Jainism and its theories. Jainism is one of the most ancient religions of India, which has the principle of Ahisma as its central doctrin. The word Jainism goes back to jina, which, derived from the Sanskrit root ji 'to conquer' means 'victor' i.e. one that successfully subdued his passions and obtained mastery over himself. The book elaborately discusses the fundamentals of Jainism, theory of karma, dravyas, seven tatvas, ethics, mysticism, puja, principals and other related subjects. A notable feature of the book is that the book contains the list of the Sthaviras, 24 Tirthankaras and the glossary of Jain words.