1: ICT indicators for development: Trends and measurement issues:
A. Introduction.
B. ICT access and use by individuals, households and enterprises.
C. The ICT sector.
D. Trade in ICT.enabled services.
E. Measuring ICT impact.
F. Conclusions and recommendations.
I. Statistical annex.
II. The Orbicom conceptual framework.
III. Breakdown of the computer and related service sector.
IV. Mode 1 and Mode 3 market access commitments for computer and related services (WTO, GATS).
2: Reviewing National ICT Policies for the Information Economy:
A. Assessing the role of ICTs in development.
B. ICT policy review model framework.
C. Concluding remarks and recommendations.
I. Core ICT indicators.
II. National ICT plans in developing and transition countries and territories, 2006.
3: Pro-poor ICT policies and practices:
A. Introduction.
B. The concept of pro-poor ICTs.
C. Current thinking and realities regarding pro-poor ICTs.
D. Institutional barriers.
E. Framework to understand, question and propose pro-poor ICT policies and interventions.
F. Making ICTs work for the poor: Institutional development recommendations.
I. Gender issues in ICT policy.
4: ICTs in the oil sector: implications for developing economies:
A. Introduction.
B. International petroleum market: The state of play.
C. ICTs and their impact on the oil supply chain.
D. ICT contribution to increased efficiency in oil trading.
E. The development perspective.
F. Conclusions and policy recommendations.
5: ICTs, enterprises and jobs: What policies?:
A. Introduction.
B. How do ICTs interact with the world of work?.
C. Economic "sector" shifts.
D. The geographical movement of jobs and workers.
E. ICTs and the segmentation of the labour force.
F. Enterprises and ICT strategies.
G. Conclusions.
I. Charts.
6: Service-orientated architecture and Web Services Technologies: Trends and Implications for E-business in Developing Countries:
A. Introduction.
B. The business and technology forces behind the growth of Web services.
C. The crucial role of standars.
D. Effects on E-business of SOA and WS deployments.
E. Conclusions and recommendations.
I. Some Web services specifications and standards.
7: The layered Internet Architecture: Governance Principles and Policies:
A. Introduction.
B. Layers and the Internet architecture.
C. Layers principle and policy concerns.
D. WSIS, Internet governance and principles.
E. Conclusions and Recommendations.
I. A selective overview of protocols that make up the Internet protocol suite.
II. The ISO/IEC Open systems Interconnection model.
8: Laws and Contracts in an E-commerce Environment:
A. Introduction.
B. EDI and trading partner agreements.
C. UNCITRAL initiatives.
D. Concluding remarks and policy recommendations.