CONTENTS:- Alkene complexes; Alkylidene complexes; Metal alkyl complexes Olefin metatheis; Alkyne complexes; Alpha-hydride elimination and abstraction; Beta-hyride elimination; Acetylene metathesis; Reductive elimination; Sigma bond metathesis; Ring opening in metathesis polymerization; Principle of microscopic reversibility; Phosphine complexes; Monasanto acetic acid process; Insertion reaction; Hydrozironconation reaction; Hydride complexes; Homoleptic complexes; Fischer carbene complexes Dihydrogen complexes; Other hydride elimination; Carbonyl complexes; Oxidative addition; Agostic interactions.
Fully updated and expanded to reflect recent advances, this short text provides students and professional chemists with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and general properties of organometallic compounds. It also supplies a wealth of information about relevant reaction mechanism.