CONTENTS:- The Resource; Landscape cultural; The Trend towards chorology; Human and environment; Origin and growth of settlement; Types and patterns of settlement; Types and patterns of settlements; Nature and scope of geography; Population distribution; World population changing; Progress in medical geography; Labrador keratopathy: A literature review in Geographical ophthalmology; Impact of MDT on changing scenario of leprosy in Tamil Nadu; Health status of Women in rural areas of Kashmir Valley.
With the development of civilization the need of various types of resources has increase. In primitive time population was limited and needs were limited, so resources were not so developed. But with development of time a number of changes has come in our civilization. It is called, necessity is the mother of invention. It is a human nature who wants to spend more happy life and for the fulfillment of desires he projects his energy to do something. A number of raw materials are available in nature but it is human efforts that make it useful. As man development his skills, different types of mechanical devices were developed and today has touched the climax. All the raw materials scattered in nature can't be said resources when it has some utility and functionality to satisfy the needs of man.