Translated by David Bolland.
x, 155p., Ful of Col. Illus., Index, 23 cm.
CONTENTS:- Introduction; Ramayana; Ravanodbhava (Ravana's Origin); Ravana Vijaya (Ravana's Victory); Bali Vijaya (Bali's Victory); Sita Swayamvara (The Marrige of Sita); Bali Vadha (The Death of Bali); Torana Yudha (Destruction of the Garden); Pattabhisheka (The Coronation); Lavanasura Vadha (The Death of Lavanasura).
The present book may help the reader to put the events of the Ramayana into their proper chronological order, and to identify the characters on the stage and get some idea of the plot, if he would see a performance of one of these plays.