This volume attempts to cover broadly the whole realm of athletics. It contains sections covering the history, the major competitions, the great players, rules and regulations, different tactics and techniques, statistics, etc. This book features an enormous amount of information about athletics throughout the world. This book also includes biographies of great players of the past and today's best players. It also covers common injuries, which athletes unfortunately sometimes suffer in the course of normal sporting activities. While this contains some material that is technical and is presented from a medical perspective, we feel that if the injuries and their treatments were described in any less detail, valuable information would be lost. We review the methods for improving speed, endurance and flexibility. These components of fitness, coupled with strength development, are potential areas, which are to be expected. This book starts with the most basic of basics and explains the hows and whys of athletics at a pace where even the most ignorant can soon know as much about the sport as any professional.