1. On discipline (especially for Pupils).
2. On troubles (About the Twenty-two things that cause trouble to monks).
3. The four requisites (for the Attainment of beatitude).
4. Impurity (Carefulness required for obtaining the end).
5. Death against (and with) one's well.
6. The false ascetic (Wrong conduct leads perdition, right conduct to salvation).
7. The parable of the ram, &c. (illustrative of the folly of the sinner who misses his chance of reaching a more exalted state of existence).
8. kapila's verses (in praise of good conduct).
9. The Oravrajya of king Nami. (A dialogue between him and Indra who advised him retain the royalty).
10. The leaf of the tree. (A sermon by Mahabira on the punishment of the sinner and the reward of the righteous).
11. The very learned (Monk. his virtues and his superiority).
12. Harikesa, (a Candala, turned monk. his victory over a Brahmn, whom he converts).
13. Citra and Samnhuta. (A dialogue on the vanity of worldly pleasures.
14. Ishukara (A legend, illustrating the excellence of a monastic life).
15. The true monk (how he should conduct himself).
16. The ten conditions of perfect chastity.
17. The Bad Sramana (What a monk should avoid).
18. Sanjaya (King S. turned monk, he preaches that the state of monk is preferable to that of a king. illustrations from Jaina history.).
19. The son of Mriga. (On the punishment in the hells).
20. The great duty of the Nirganthas. (A dialogue between king Srenika and a monk on the happiness obtained by righteousness. The bad monk is lost).
21. Samudrapala, (turned monk. On the duties of a monk).
22. Rathanemi. (The renunciation of Arishtanemi, his wife Rajimati exhorts Rathanemi).
23. Kesi and Gautama. (The followers of Parsva are brought over to the church of Mahavira).
24. Te Samitis (and the Guptis).
25. The true sacrifice. (Jayaghosha, the monk, converts Vijyaghosa, the Brahman).
26. The correct behaviour (of monks during the several parts of day and night).
27. The bad bullocks (compared to bad pupils by Garga).
28. The road to final deliverance. (On the fundamental principles of Jainism).
29. The exertion in righteousness. (On the seventy three articles necessary for reaching perfection).
30. The road of penance. (On external and internal austerities).
31. Mode of life. (A list of articles of the Jaina faith according to the number of their subdivisions).
32. The causes of carelessness, (what excites the passions and produces Karman).
33. The nature of Karman, (and the subdivisions of it).
34. On Lesya.
35. The houseless monk.
36. On living beings and things without life.