xiv, 536p., Figs., Tables, Col. Plts., Index, 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- History of integrated pest management; Sampling surveillance and forecasting of pests; Emerging pest problems in India and critical issues in their management; Role of insect resistant varieties in integrated pest management; Ecological perspective of pest management; Recent advancements in pest management: Biotechnology the need of hour; Genetic engineering of plants for insect resistance; Pesticides: Contamination and estimation of residues; Semiochemicals: As potential tools in pest management; Utility of light trap in tegrated pest management; Insecticide resistance in IPM; Pest management in cereals; Integrated pest management in Rice; Integrated pest management in cotton; Integrated pest management in seed spices; Recent advances in management of insect pests of fruit crops; Injtegrated pest management in vagetable crops; Integrated pest managemnt in potato; Integrated insect pest mangemntin rapeseed and mustard; Advances in management of stored grain pests; Role of predatory mites in IPM of phytophagus mites; Integrated pest managemnt of phytophagous mite; Biodiveristy of leafhoppers [Hemipter: Cicadellidae] of the Indian subcontinent; role of honey bees in crop pollination; Integrated management of soil insects.
The book gives a vast knowledge about the progress made in India on different entomological aspects. The book will serve as a complete source book on research techniques and practices of pest managemnt, advanced genetic and biotechnological researches, new pest management technologies on different cropos, pesticidal contamination status in environment. The book has been written for teachers, students, researchers and extention workers engaged in pest management strategies.