CONTENTS:- Hydrographic Mapping and Morphometry; Estimation of Physical Factors; Estimation of Chemical Factors; Biological Factors; Biological Water Qaulity Monitoring; Toxicological Testing Procedures; Soil Analysis; Key for Identification of Fresh Water Organism; Study of Animal Pollution; Absolute Population Estimates Using Marking Techniques.
The Present title "Biotechniques of Ecology" aims to provide a handbook of ecological techniques pertinent for the study of animals in their natural environment. There are however, certain methods that are peculiar to ecologists, those concerning the central themes of subject, the measurement, description and analysis of samples. A great deal of careful observation is needed to identify the various organisms and to begin to note the major food chains. After the food chain have been identified, the ecologists can make more detail measurements. Various environmental parameters like physico-chemical nature of three basic habitats-soil, water and air, temperature light humidity, pH wind velocity etc., can be measured.