CONTENTS:- Newspaper and the Process of Choice; Journalistic Freedom and Ethics of Choice; News Values and Reporters' Dilemma; Merits and Drawback of Full Crime Reporting; Newspaper Readership: Surveys and Polls; Government and the Media; World Press: Focus and Direction; Journalism and Challenge of Change; Media in Russian Context; Press and Journalism in Asia and Pacific Role of Fourth Estate in Social and Political Change; Minority Press and Democratic Dynamics: A Profile of Urdu Press in India; American Press; New Challenges; Home of Printed Word: Press in Germany; Note on Functions of the Press; Management and Structure of Japanese Newspapers; Appendix-I: Abrief Note on Origin of Hindi Press; Appendix-II: Beginning and growth of the Marathi Press; Appendix-III: A Note on Economy and Press.
Newspapers and journals have proved that satalite television and the telecommunications revolution have actually substained and reinforced the permanence of the printed word. The present publication serves to profile the international perspectives of the press and the media in a rapidly changing world.