xii, 306p., Col. Plts., Figs., Tables, Index, 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- Introduction; Production processes for herbals and botanicals; Seletionof plant and plant parts for phytochemical analysis; Methods of extraction; Qualitative phytochemical screening; Methods for separation of phytochemicals; Qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytochemicals; Methods of identification; Categories of phytochemicals; Case studies.
Phytochemicals are the individual chemical from which the plants are made and plants are the key sources of raw materials for both pharmaceutical and aromatic industries. The improved methods for higher yield of active compounds will be the major incentive in these industries. To help those who are involved in the isolation and compounds from plants, some of the essential phytochemical techniques are included in this book. It contains 10 chapters with a brief introduction in chapter 1. Chapter 2 deals with the production processes for herbals and botanicals and Chapter 3 on the selection of plant and plant parts for phytochemical analysis. Different methods of extraction are given in chapter 4 and qualitative phytochemical screening in Chapter 5. Various methods for separation of phytochemicals, which include paper and thin layer chromatography and column chromatography are covered in chapter 6. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of phytochemicals using GC, HPLC and HPTLS are described in Chapter 7. The various methods of identification including the physical characteristics and UV, IR, NIR, NMR and Mass spectroscopy and crystallography are included in Chapter 8. The categories of phytochemicals are given in Chapter 9. A case study of isolation and identification of compounds in the laboratory of the author of this book is included in chapter 10. The theoretical principles of various instruments, handling of samples and interpretation of spectra are given in detail. Adequate chemical formulas are included to support and explain various structures of compounds and techniques. The book will prove useful to the students, scientists, researchers, professional in the field of Plant Physiology and Pathology, Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Horticulture.