CONTENTS:- Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Tables; List of Figures; List of boxes; List of Abbreviations; List of Plant's name used in the book. Part 1: Understanding participation mystique in community based forest management; Introduction; Social identity and people's participation in CBFM; Institutional Governance influencing people's participation in CBFM; Leadership, and value congruence influencing people's participation in CBFM; Social capital and people's participation. Part II: Policy and practices of community based forest management; JFM - An introspection; Forest management in South East Asia; Self-initiated and NGO promoted CBFMs in India; Epilogue: Eliciting people's participation.
Forest management practices in South and Southeast Asian nations were radically altered by their colonial rulers. Such policies alienated forest dwellers from their habitat and replaced their ways of forest management that with a centralized system. Centralised forest management systems paid little interest to community welfare. As a result, large-scale depletion of forest resources began. Acrid experience of the centralized forest management compelled governments of these nations to promote community based forest management (CBFM). People's participation is considered as indispensable factor for the success of CBFM. Book discusses how to elicit higher people's participation in CBFM. Thereby, it unfolds the participation mystique needed for CBFM for wider consideration.