CONTENTS:- 1. Cell Biology-An Introduction; 2. General Structure of Cell; 3. Methods of Studying Cell; 4. Components of Cell; 5. The Cell Membrane; 6. Microtubules and Microfilaments; 7. Enzymes; 8. Cell Respiration; 9. Mitochondria; 10. Golgi Complex; 11. The Endoplasmic Reticulum; 12. Chloroplast; 13. Lysosomes and Peroxisomes; 14. Nucleus and Chromosomes; 15. DNA Replication; 16. Mitosis; 17. Meiosis; 18. Heridity; 19. Cytogenetices; 20. Genetic Code; 21. Transcription; 22. Gene Regulation; 23. Differentiation of Cell.
This book introduces the general reader and the specialist to the study and analysis of cellular structure and function. This book reflects in part the recent resurgence of interest in the study of cell. Emphasis in the present volume is placed upon the structures present in the cell and their functions. The progressive communication of cellular function to finer and finer levels of organization has destroyed many of our older concepts as to how various areas of cellular functions are related. This volume studies cell in latest technical development context. Profusely illustrated, this will prove a reliable text-cum-reference book to all concerned.