Delhi a product of a long historic evolution is threatened with disintegration by the invasion of millions of motor vehicles. Here, the book lays emphasis on protection of Delhi's historic and cultural resources to enhance its livability and distinctiveness. Unlimited use of cars in incompatible with human-oriented livable city. The author sees that Delhi can only be made to function efficiently and provide a decent environment for living, is by giving a new dynamic role to mass transportation system that is environment friendly. Urban planning in Delhi the author emphasizes must go beyond merely managing urban growth, to developing a vision of what the national capital-Delhi should become, and work persistently to carry forth that vision into reality. In order to successfully deal with problems Delhi is faced with the book points out to making urban governance more entrepreneurial, efficient and performance driven, and suggests breaking up of the Jumbo Municipal Monolith, that Municipal Corporation of Delhi is, to create a federated system of urban governance, thereby bringing township governments at the local community level. Local urban government being closest to the citizens of Delhi, the author calls on the Delhiites to become active participants in urban government, by putting themselves and their resources on the line for good governance that cares for the welfare of the people.