CONTENTS:- 1. Teaching of Mathematics: Meaning of Mathematics, History of Mathematics, Contribution of great Mathematicians; 2. Aims and Objectives of teaching Mathematics: Approaches of Teaching of Mathematics, various Techniques for teaching Mathematics; 3. Planning: Meaning, Importance of lesson Plan, Unit Plan and Yearly Plan. Skill in using Teaching Aids; 4. Curriculum: Meaning and Principles of Curriculum Development; 5. Mathematics for Recreation: mathematics Laboratory, mathematics Library, mathematical Club; 6. Text Books in Mathematics: Importance, Uses and Qualities, Feedback & Evaluation in Mathematics; 7. Achievement Tests: Its Construction and Characteristics; 8. Lesson Plans 1-7; Questions-Bank; Objective Type Questions for Practice; Multiple Choice Questions; Model Question Paper.
John Milton has said "Complete and generous education" is that "Which fits a man to perform skillfully and magnanimously all the offices, both private and public, of peace and war". The decadence of educational system is not a phenomenon which is peculiar only to India. In varying measures it has raised its ugly head in several countries perhaps for different reasons and this may be a sophisticated view of reality perhaps for different reasons and this may be a sophisticated view of reality. While the brilliant and the outstanding have kept their head exact, whichever is the country, it is individuals who have exhibited symptoms of wrong assimilation of education. It is the lack of decisiveness to get truth and act to restore the values that have plagued the teaching of mathematics in schools. The work presented in this small book will prove beneficial in teaching of mathematics for B.Ed. students. This book will be valuable guide for teacher trainees to understand the aims and objectives of teaching Mathematics and techniques of lesson planning. The subject (Maths) of B.Ed. pr4esented in this book has produced a branch of knowledge whose objective is to optimize the control of syllabus of the various universities.