Agrobiology: Essays on Problems of Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Growing
Lysenko, T.D.
List Price : US$ 89.95 Our Price : US$ 71.96
Book ID : 30260
ISBN-10 : 81-7622-146-5 / 8176221465
ISBN-13 : 978-81-7622-146-7 / 9788176221467
of Publication :
of Publication :
Edition : (First Edition)
Language : English
636p., Bib., Index, 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. The theoretical principles of vernalization; 2. Plant breeding and the theory of phasic development of plants; 3. The reorganization of seed growing; 4. The intravarietal crossing of self-pollinating plants; 5. Two trends in genetics; 6. Collective-farm laboratories and agronomic science; 7. Intravarietal crossing and Mendel's so-called "law" of segregation; 8. The Mentor-a powerful means of plant breeding; 9. Seed growing must be based on Michurin's theory; 10. The creator of soviet agrobiology (on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the death of Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin); 11. Michurin's theory at the all-union agricultural exhibition; 12. Ways of controlling plant organisms; 13. New achievements in controlling the nature of plants; 14. Organism and environment; 15. Engels and certain problems of Darwinism; 16. What is Michurin genetics?; 17. K.A. Timiryazev and the tasks of our agrobiology; 18. Heredity and its variability; 19. Natural selection and intraspecific competition; 20. Genetics; 21. The tasks of the Lenin academy of agricultural sciences of the U.S.S.R; 22. Why Bourgeois, science is up in arms against the works of soviet scientists; 23. The situation in biological science; 24. Experimental hill sowing of forest belts; 25. New developments in the science of biological species; 26. Vitality of plant and animal organisms; 27. The conservation of nonwintering spring varieties into winter hardy winter varieties; Bibliography and Index.
In the development of agricultural science in the erstwhile Soviet Russia, the academician, T.D. Lysenko is regarded as a pillar. This great scientist of the bygone days was deeply concerned with the agricultural problems particularly associated with the then USSR and took up researches in that country to find practical solutions. Bringing forward the concept of growth and development in plants, he could be able to establish clearly the specific environmental need in these physiological processes. Development of the practical procedure to shorten the time of flowering in winter type of cereal crops grown in that country by artificial exposure to cold, otherwise termed in plant physiology as vernalization is a notable achievement of him. Among other versatile researches taken up by him in the area of agricultural science, mention may be made to his study of genetics and plant breeding from a critical angle. In the present voluminous title authored by him, the said scientist has brought to light the pertinence of his researchers and conclusions while citation of the related studies that had been undertaken by the contemporary and earlier scientists.