CONTENTS:- Preface; 1. Social Legislation; 2. History of Social Legislation in India; 3. Labour Legislation in India; 4. Growth and Concept of Social Justice; 5. Child Labour in India; 6. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986); 7. Bonded Child Labour; 8. Definition and Concept of Civil Rights; 9. The Protection and Concept of Civil Rights; 10. Meaning, Forms and Purpose of Dowry; 11. The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961; 12. Child Marriage and Restraint Act; 13. Social Legislation and Crime against Women; 14. The Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1956; 15. Law as an Instrument of Social Change;
This book addresses a set of intriguing and complex questions in the study of law and society. How does legislation affect the behaviour of citizens? What role do attitudes play in rule following and under what conditions can legislation influence these attitudes? It juxtaposes the approaches to this set of questions. It deals with one of the fundamental questions of the interdisciplinary study of law. The possibilities and limitations of the legislature's influence on citizens' bevaviour in various fields are explored. The book will be of great interest to practitioners in probation and youth offending teams, victims support, police and others who are involved in the delivery of services to victims if crime.