CONTENTS:- 1. Tree-Crop Interaction and Environment; 2. Nursery Practices, Propagation and Plantation Technology; 3. Agroforestry Trees and their Improvement; 4. Insect-Pest and Disease Management; 5. Processing, Marketing and people participation.
Agroforestry, tree plus crop together, as one of the farm management options has tremendous potential. This will not jeopardize the food production. In order to have food security, area from agriculture can not be diverted to raise trees to fill the gap between demand and supply of wood based products. It is noble way of growing trees. In view of the growing emphasis on suitable forest management, tree resources outside public forest have been receiving attention at national and international level. Agroforestry is ecologically sound as well trees add to biodiversity and help in moderating the harsh climate. The leaf fall, underground roots, shade effects, reduction in soil erosion, etc. help in maintaining soil fertility. However, farmers will not spare their agricultural land for sole raising of trees, therefore agroforestry seem to be the only available option for maximum and sustainable productivity while preserving the environment.