The Study of Palmistry for Professional Purposes and Advanced Pupils
De Saint-Germain, Comte C.
List Price : US$ 30.61 Our Price : US$ 24.49
Book ID : 30176
ISBN-10 : 81-7769-110-4 / 8177691104
of Publication :
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Edition :
Language : English
416p., 1254 B/W Illus., App., 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- I. Preliminaries: 1. Introducing the Introduction. 2. Intoduction by the late Ad. Desbarroles. 3. The Map of the Hand; II. Chirognomic Observations: 1. The Hand as a Whole. 2. The Fingers. 3. The Thumb. 4. The Leading Types of Hands. 5. Chirognomy in Everyday Life; III. The Mounts of the Hand: 1. The Mounts of the Hand. 2. The Signs in General. 3.Signs and Lines on the Mounts. 4. The Signatures of the Mounts; IV. Chiromantic Observations: 1. The Lines in General. 2. The Vanishing of the Lines. 3. How to Reckon Time in the Hand. 4. The Line of Life. 5. Lines of Influence from the Mount of Venus, the Lower Mount of Mars, or the Line of Life. 6. The Line of Mars. 7. The Rascette. 8. The Line of Liver. 9. The Via Lasciva. 10. The Line of Intuition. 11. The Line of Head.12. The Line of Heart. 13. The Girdle of Venus. 14. The Lines of Union. 15 The Line of Fate. 16. The Line of the Sun. 17. The Plain of Mars: 1. The Quadrangle. 2. The Triangle. 18. Lines and Signs on Thumb and Fingers; V. Additional Cases; VI. Phrenology and Palmistry Compared; VII. Palmistic Dictionary; Appendix. Time Measurement on Mounts and Horizontal Lines. Model Chart for Hand Reading.
This book is a must for anyone looking for a straightforward, comprehensive introduction to the ancient art of palmistry. It is a practical guide designed virtually as a step-by-step exploration of the hand. The Study of Palmistry is marked by clarity, thoroughly logical classification and completeness. It presents well-illustrated examples of interpreting palms,. It contains a complete Palmistic Dictionary which defines a large number of palmistry terms and concepts.