CONTENTS:- Preface; 1. Economics of Tourism; 2. Demand for Tourism; 3. Supply of Tourism; 4. The Implications of Tourism Specialisation; 5. Intelligent Systems in Travel and Tourism Hannes Werthner; 6. Tourism Promotion Economics and Social force; 7. Economic Impact of Tourism; 8. Tourism and Poverty Alleviation; 9. Tourism and National Development; 10. Tourism and Local Development.
Tourism may be examined in the context of overall economic policy and planning. Claims of tourism's economic significance give the industry respect among the business community. For successful tourism, study of this topic, is of great significance. Economics as we know is concerned with the attainment of an optimum return from the use of scare resources. This book aims to provide our readers best and purposeful literature on demand, supply, implications and impact of economics on tourism industry. Care has been exercise to select useful material for students and teachers as well. It is hoped that this book would prove useful to tour operators, tour managers and policy makers in the field of tourism as well.