CONTENTS:- 1. Media and Social Action; 2. Media for School Education; 3. On Saying, in Effect, 'No'; 4. Media for Youngster; 5. Information Policy of World; 6. Importance and Relevance in Programming; 7. Organizing the Audiovisual Media Center; 8. Implementation of Media Preparation Services.
Amusement, if released from every restraint, would not only be the antithesis of art but its extreme role. The fusion of society and media that is taking place today leads not only to a deprivation of culture, but inevitably to an intellectualisation of amusement. The stronger the position of the society becomes, the more summarily it can deal with consumers' needs, producing, controlling and disciplining them and even withdrawing amusement. Uncertainly is particular characteristic of society production because there are no parameters of knowing what will appeal to the audience and which, if selected for production and distribution, will be of greatest economic success. Successful films and programmes become models whose influence extends beyond the country in which they are produced.
It is hoped that this book will fulfill the demands of a wider section of press persons of society aware of the shortcomings, and shall welcome any criticism and suggestions from the readers for improvement in further editions.