CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. Environment Problems; 3. Environmental Pollution in India; 4. Environment Management; 5. India's Efforts for Environmental Protection; 6. Waste Management; 7. Forest Management; 8. Environmental Ethics; 9. The Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986; 10. The Earth Summit; 11. Declaration of the United nations Conference on the Human Environment-1972.
The objective of environmental management is improved human life quality. It involves the mobilization of resources and the use of government to administer the use of both natural and economic goods and services. It is based on the principles of ecology. In the complex ands interdependent world that we have been given, environmental management is required because the activities of development in one sector affect in both positive and negative ways the quality of life in others. Designed as a guide to hands-on, day-to-day environmental management, this book covers the nuts and bolts of effective environmental management. It provides a through introduction to those new to the field or to the environmental specialists who need a thought-provoking refresher. It will enable the students to gain a practical understanding of environmental hazards, controlling air and water pollution, managing hazardous wastes, implementing pollution prevention programmes, dealing with compliance audits and regulatory inspections, and much more.