xii, 758p., Figs., Tables, Gloss., Bib., Index, 25 cm.
CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction to Information Systems Development; 2. Managing the Application Development; 3. Systems Analysis; 4. Data Modeling; 5. Process Modeling; 6. Network Modeling; 7. Object Modeling; 8. Systems Design an Construction; 9. Application Architecture and Process design; 10. Input design and Prototyping; 11. Database design; 12. Output Design an Prototyping; 13. User Interface Design and Prototyping; 14. Designing of Software; 15. design of Files and Use of Auxiliary Storage Devices; 16. Design for data Communication; 17. Program Design; 18. Productivity Tools; 19. Project Management; 20. Strategic Planning; 21. Security, Disaster/Recovery and Ethics in System Development; 22. Quality Assurance.
Complex, challenging, and stimulating, this book addresses system analysis and design; it is full of information that shows the organizational process that a team of business and systems professionals use of business and system professionals use to develop and maintain computer-based information systems. It stresses the importance of responding to and anticipating problems through innovative use of information technology. This complete course book presents students will real-world system analysis skills and techniques within the framework of the systems development life cycle (SDLC.) Examples and cases are drawn from actual systems projects that enable students to learn in the context of solving problems, much like the ones they will encounter on the job. Students will find concepts easy to understand through the clear writing style combined with figures that illustrate current t4chnology and concepts. The book provides and excellent text for systems developments, then goes on to making the business case, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. For future systems analysts, or for those information technology that need a great resource fir implementing new ideas and strategies for success.