Vol.1: Proteomic Bioinformatics: 1. Introduction; 2. Proteomic Data Analysis; 3. Protein Structure Prediction; 4. Protein Structure Classifications; 5. Protein Structure Comparison; 6. From Protein Structure to Function; 7. Function Prediction from Protein Sequence; 8. Protein Structure and Drug Discovery; 9. Protein-protein Interactions; 10. Sequence Comparison Methods; 11. Computational Divergence.
Vol.2: Genomic Bioinformatics: 1. Introduction; 2. Genome Organization and Evolution; 3. Gene Finding; 4. Experimental Use of DNA; 5. Evolutionary Relationships; 6. Evolutionary Divergence; 7. Mining of Gene Expression; 8. Comparative Modeling; 9. Principles of Computing in Bioinformatics; 10. Database Contents; 11. Searching Databases; 12. Archives and Information; 13. Data Management of Biological Information; 14. Microarray Data Analysis; 15. Internet Technology.
Vol.3: Bioinformatics Algorithms: 1. Introduction; 2. Greedy Algorithms; 3. Randfomized Algorithms; 4. String Algorithms; 5. Graph Algorithms; 6. Algorithms and Complexity; 7. Searching Database; 8. Genbank Sequence Database; 9. Motif Discovery; 10. Sequence Alignment; 11. Phylogenetic Analysis.
Vol.4: Analysing Genome: 1. Introduction; 2. Genome; 3. Understanding Genome; 4. Genetic Techniques; 5. Physical Techniques; 6. Comparative Genomics; 7. Gene Finding; 8. Genome Mapping; 9. Gene Prediction; 10. Molecular Basic of Genome Analysis.
Vol.5: Sequence Analysis: 1. Introduction; 2. Collecting Sequences; 3. Genomic Sequence; 4. Alignment of Sequences; 5. Genome Analysis; 6. Molecular Phylogenetics; 7. Database Searching for Similar Sequences.
The present publication in five volumes is an extensive work on bioinformatics and covers much more of the subject as is generally expected of students going up for the examinations of several Universities in India and abroad. It has been written to present a logical and practical approach to the various complexities and intricacies of the subject at length. Almost every aspect of the subject is covered and illustrated by well labeled diagrams. In spite of the comprehensiveness, the subject matter has been presented in such a way that it is easily accessible to the students.