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CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. Enumeration; 3. Ranunculaceae; 4. Dilleniaceae; 5. Magnoliaceae; 6. Annonaceae; 7. Menispermaceae; 8. Nymphaeaceae; 9. Nelumbonaceae; 10. Papaveraceae; 11. Fumariaceae; 12. Brassicaceae; 13. Capparaceae; 14. Violaceae; 15. Bixaceae; 16. Cochlosphermaceae; 17. Flacourtiaceae; 18. Pittosporaceae; 19. Polygalaceae; 20. Caryophyllaceae; 21. Portulacaceae; 22. Tamaricaceae; 23. Elatinaceae; 24. Hypericaceae; 25. Theaceae; 26. Dipterocarpaceae; 27. Malvaceae; 28. Bombacaceae; 29. Sterculiaceae; 30. Tiliaceae; 31. Elaeocarpaceae; 32. Linaceae; 33. Malpighiaceae; 34. Zygophyllaceae; 35. Geraniaceae; 36. Tropaeolaceae; 37. Oxalidaceae; 38. Averrhoaceae; 39. Balsaminaceae; 40. Rutaceae; 41. Simaroubaceae; 42. Balanitaceae; 43. Ochnaceae; 44. Burseraceae; 45. Meliaceae; 46. Erythropalaceae; 47. Olacaceae; 48. Opiliaceae; 49. Celastraceae; 50. Rhamnaceae; 51. Vitaceae; 52. Leeaceae; 53. Sapindaceae; 54. Sabiaceae; 55. Anacardiaceae; 56. Moringaceae; 57. Fabaceae; 58. Caesalpiniaceae; 59. Mimosaceae; 60. Rosaceae; 61. Vahliaceae; 62. Crassulaceae; 63. Droseraceae; 64. Haloragidaceae; 65. Callitrichaceae; 66. Rhizophoraceae; 67. Combretaceae; 68. Myrtaceae; 69. Lecythidaceae; 70. Melastomataceae; 71. Lythraceae; 72. Punicaceae; 73. Onagraceae; 74. Trapaceae; 75. Turneraceae; 76. Passifloraceae; 77. Caricaceae; 78. Cucurbitaceae; 79. Begoniaceae; 80. Cactaceae; 81. Aizoaceae; 82. Molluginaceae; 83. Apiaceae; 84. Araliaceae; 85. Alangiaceae; 86. Rubiaceae; 87. Asteraceae; 88. Stylidiaceae; 89. Campanulaceae; 90. Lobeliaceae; 91. Sphenocleaceae; 92. Plumbaginaceae; 93. Primulaceae; 94. Myrsinaceae; 95. Sapotaceae; 96. Ebenaceae; 97. Symplocaceae; 98. Oleaceae; 99. Apocynaceae; 100.Asclepiadaceae; 101.Loganiaceae; 102.Buddlejaceae; 103.Gentianaceae; 104.Menyanthaceae; 105.Polemoniaceae; 106.Hydrophyllaceae; 107.Boraginaceae; 108.Convolvulaceae; 109.Solanaceae; 110.Scrophulariaceae; 111.Orobanchaceae; 112.Lentibulariaceae; 113.Gesneriaceae; 114.Bignoniaceae; 115.Pedaliaceae; 116.Acanthaceae; 117.Verbenaceae; 118.Lamiaceae; 119.Plantaginaceae; 120.Nyctaginaceae; 121.Amaranthaceae; 122.Chenopodiaceae; 123.Basellaceae; 124.Polygonaceae; 125.Podostemaceae; 126.Artistolochiaceae; 127.Piperaceae; 128.Lauraceae; 129.Proteaceae; 130.Elaeagnaceae; 131.Loranthaceae; 132.Santalaceae; 133.Euphorbiaceae; 134.Urticaceae; 135.Ulmaceae; 136.Cannabaceae; 137.Moraceae; 138.Casuarinaceae; 139.Salicaceae; 140.Ceratophyllaceae; 141.Hydrocharitaceae; 142.Burmanniaceae; 143.Orchidaceae; 144.Zingiberaceae; 145.Costaceae; 146.Marantaceae; 147.Musaceae; 148.Cannaceae; 149.Iridaceae; 150.Amaryllidaceae; 151.Hypoxidaceae; 152.Agavaceae; 153.Taccaceae; 154.Dioscoreaceae; 155.Liliaceae; 156.Ruscaceae; 157.Smilacaceae; 158.Pontederiaceae; 159.Xyridaceae; 160.Commelinaceae; 161.Flagellariaceae; 162.Juncaceae; 163.Arecaceae; 164.Pandanaceae; 165.Typhaceae; 166.Araceae; 167.Lemnaceae; 168.Alismataceae; 169.Limnocharitaceae; 170.Najadaceae; 171.Aponogetonaceae; 172.Potamogetonaceae; 173.Zannichelliaceae; 174.Eriocaulaceae; 175.Cyperaceae; 176.Poaceae; Selected bibliography; Index: 1. Botanical names; 2. Local names. |
Chhattisgarh is the 26 state of the Indian Union established on November 1, 2000 by carving out sixteen districts of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh. Although it covers only 4.14% of total area of the country but ranks second in the country in having high percentage of forest cover. Its unique topographical position i.e. in the centre of the country and flanked by Gangetic plain in the north and peninsular region in the south makes it more floristically significant as it harbours floral elements of both the regions. Simultaneously, this has also resulted in the enormous diversity among flowering plants met within the region. In spite of rich plant wealth and a number of research publications providing information on the floristics of various parts of Chhattisgarh, the floristic diversity of the state itself is not available. This book is, therefore, the first major contribution in this direction that will certainly help in formulating strategies for economic development of the state. The book starts with an introduction providing various information of the state including forests. Data on endemic and rare plants, wild relatives of crop plants, economic plants and analysis are of special interest. In addition, many coloured photographs of vegetation and plants showing rich plant diversity met in the state have been included in the book. However, the bulk of the book deals with detailed data of 2020 species of angiosperms spread over 913 genera and 174 families. The families have been arranged as per the Bentham and Hooker's system of classification with modifications as per recent concept while the genera under each family and the species under each genus are arranged alphabetically. Each species has been provided with correct name, taxonomic citation including basionym wherever applicable, a few selected synonyms, local name (s), habit, habitat, phenology, district-wise distribution and uses, if any. Further, the data has also been supplemented with line drawings of sixty two species. The book will be immensely useful for botanists, foresters, environmentalists, agriculturists, horticulturists, pharmacologists and those engaged in forest management programmes. |