CONTENTS:- 1. To Study the Effect of Ionizing radiation on Growth Rate of the Bacteria; 2. Separation of Green Photosynthetic pigments Quantitative Determination of Chlorophyll in Aquatic Community; 3. Measurement of Phytoplankton Production in an Aquatic Community; 4. Identification of Aquatic Weeds; 5. Ecological Comparison of Clean and Polluted Waters; 6. To Study Planktonic Organisms; 7. Destination of Tolerance Limits to Pollutants; 8. Determination of Most Probable Number (MPN) of Bactaria in Water; 9. Heavy Metals in Sample; 10. Mendel's Law of Segregation; 11. Sex Linkage; 12. Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment; 13. Crossing Over; 14. Antennaoedia Mutant; 15. Polytene Chromosomes; 16. Karyotype of White Mouse; 17. Metaphase Chromosomes of Onion; 18. A Brief Review of the Stages in Drosophila Development; 19. Section I: Cell Structure and Composition; 20. Fats and Waxes in the Bacterial Cell; 21. Bacterial Carbohydrates; 22. Bacterial Pigments; 23. The Gram Reaction of Bacteria; 24. Spore Formation by Bacteria; 25. Cell Constituents and Structures- Granular Inclusions; 26. Cell Constituents and Structures-Metabolic Areas; 27. Growth, Reproduction and Death; 28. Comparison of A Statistical and A logical Growth Curve; 29. Physical; Factors Influencing Growth-Osmotic Pressure; 30. Physical Factors Influencing Growth- temperature; 31. Physical Factors Influencing Growth- Hydrogen ION Concentration; 32. Chemical Factors Influencing Growth-Accessory Growth Substances; 33. The Growth Curve of Azotobacter; 34. Statistical Control of Bacterial Enumeration; 35. Estimation of Bacteria by the Dilution Method; 36. Control Chart Applied to Plate Enumeration; 37. Bacterial Metabolism; 38. Source of Carbon and Nitrogen in Heterotrophic Metabolism; 39. Qxygen in HetrotophicMetabolism -Anaerobiosis; 40. Autotrophy-Oxidation of Hydrogen; 41. Photoreduction and Nitrogen Fixation by the Athiorhodaceae; 42. eral Metabolism-Iron and Molybdenum in Pigment Production By Azotobacter Vinelandi; 43. Quantative Methods for Measurement of Respiration and Fermentation; 44. Bacterial Enzymes- Preparation of Suspensions and Cell-Free Extracts Section I. Azotobacter; 45. Clostridium; 46. Bacterial Enzymes-Dehydrogenases; 47. Bacterial Enzymes - Oxidation of Organic Substrates; 48. Special Projects for Class Demonstration Stock Cultures and Media for Their Cultivation and Storage; 49. Media; 50. Stains; 51. Quantitative Methods; 52. Microbiology Laboratory; 53. Common Materials & Equipment Used in the Laboratory; 54. Maintenance of Aseptic Condition; 55. stains; 56. Nitrogen Estimation; 57. Total Sugar Estimation; 58. Radial Growth Measurement; 59. Residual Sugar Measurement by DNSA Method; 60. Economic Co-efficient; 61. Effect of pH on Bacterial Growth; 62. Effect of Carbon Sources on Fungal Growth; 63. Effect of Nitrozen Sources on Fungal Growth; 64. Protein Estimation by Biuret Method; 65. Measurement of Rf Value Through Circular Chromatography; 66. Measurement of Rf Value of Mycelial Extract; 67. Isolation. Separation and Determiation of RNA, DNA and Protein From Fungal Biomass; 68. Demonstration of Amylase Activity; 69. Demonstration of Cellulase Activity; 70. Isolation of Phylloplane Microflora; 71. Isolation of saccharomyces from Leaf Surface; 72. Isolation of Microflora by IMPRINT Method; 73. Proteolytic Activity of Fungal Culture; 74. Strains Variation Assessment Through Protein Estimation; 75. Lignin Estimation; 76. Strain Variations Through Cellulytic and Xylanalytic Activities; 77. Proteolytic,Cellulolytic, Xylanolytic andAmylolytic Activities of Soil Microflora; 78. Cellulytic Engyme Activity and Specific enzymes activities and Single Cell Protein(SCP) in Fungal Cultures; 79. Antimicrobial Activities of Fungal and Actinomycete Cuttures; 80. Minimum Inhibility Concentration (MIC) of Antibiotics Against Microflora; 81. Quantitative Estimation of Antibiotic; 82. Quantitative Estimation of Streptomycin by Anthrone Reagent; 83. Production of Alcohol by Nichol's Filtration Method; 84. Estimation of Total Protein of Milk and Polluted Water; 85. Estimation of Phoshorus in Polluted Water; 86. MPN Counts of WaterSamples; 87. Amino Acids Production y Microorganism; 88. Determination of Nitrite Nitrogen ; Experiment 1 to 13; Quantitative Estimation of Microbial Population; Annexure.