CONTENTS:- 1. Introduction; 2. Performance; 3. Conduct in Lanka; 4. After Departure from Lanka; 5. After the Crowing of Rama; 6. Shattering of Hanuman's Pride; 7. Fight with Accounts; 8. The Puranic Accounts; 9. The Divinity; 10. Iconography; Sri Hanumancalisa; Sankatmochana Hanumanastaka; Bajaranga Bana; Hanumanmantracamatkaranusthana-paddhati; Arati.
Hanuman is the most important warrior of Ramayana. Thought he had been a silent soldier with Sugriva, but his personality gained importance after his coming in contact with Rama. He played a leading role in the Kiskindha, sundra and Yuddha-kanda and the selfless service rendered to Rama, Sugriva, Lakshmana, Sita besides his own colleagues is beyond comprasion.