CONTENTS:- Acknowledgement; Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. Environmental Problems in Developing Countries; 3. Impact of Liberalization on Environment; 4. Economics of Pollution; 5. Cost Benefit Analysis, Emission Trading and Priority Setting Environmental Law; 6. Environmental Regulations and Taxes; 7. Impoverishment and Environment; 8. Political Economy of Future Water Crisis; 9. Environmental Displacement; 10. Economic Development and Desertification; 11. Economics of Sustainable Development; 12. Environmental Issues and Economic Reforms for Future Development of India; Relevant References.
Environmental economics (EE) Progressed in Leaps and bound, it grew rapidly over the last decades and established itself as a discipline based on the powerful economic paradigm and reaching beyond it to capture important economy-environment inter-actions. Although, compared to economics, EE is still young but the juvenile is increasingly. Interested in knowing where she comes from, what her present position is and, in particular, where she will or ought to go. It started emerging in new textbooks; survey articles (in specialized areas), hand-books, yearbook and conferences which seek to identify and discuss the frontiers of research in EE.
It is a Well Known fact that the future economics pressures will tend to put the ecological System under increasing stress and will thus jeopardize the sustainable development of both the economic and the ecological system, unless those with a similar perception, citizens, researchers and politicians alike, are successful in striving for effective remedy. Issue concerning environment worry not only environmental scientists but should be of concern to every person of this threatened planet. A pressing need has been felt to educate everybody regarding the problems of the environment. Environmental Economics have been included in the syllabi of school. Colleges and universities all over the world. However, considering its multidisciplinary approach, much information lies scattered in various research publications, which are beyond the reach of common students.
This book, entitled "Environment and Natural Resource Economics" will thus try to make people updated with the different problems of the sustainable world. The book will serve as a reference to not only undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics but also of life sciences and allied fields. This book is the first of its Kind that challenges all possible developmental activities of human beings.