CONTENTS:- Statutory Protection; Special Provisions; Solutions by Law; Prohibition of Untouchability; Significant Provisions; The Safeguards; Statutory Privileges; Special Transitional and Temporary Provisions; Other Safeguards; Role of Police; Reserved Vacancy Recruitment; Concessions and Relaxations; Promotions; Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976; Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989; Specified Scheduled Areas; Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes; Casts and Religions Groups; etc.
Dalit is relatively a new term, while Scheduled Casts is a statutory term used for those casts, which have been included in a particular scheduled of Indian Constitution. Backed up Constitution and law of the land, the scheduled casts have enjoyed special privileges and easiness in various competitions. A lot has been done for their empowerment and emancipation, since Independence, yet the majority of these casts, still lag behind in many an area of life. The book gives a comprehensive study various legal measures for ameliorating the condition of Dalits.