CONTENTS:- Vol.1: 1. Growth of industries. 2. Regional distribution. 3. Industries for different purposes. 4. Industries for chemical goods. 5. Industries for engineering goods. 6. Industries for textiles. 7. Industries based on metals. 8. The transportation. 9. Aspects in marketing. 10. The exports. 11. Green revolution. Vol.2: 1. India at a glance. 2. Salient features. 3. Physical features. 4. The environment. 5. Green wealth. 6. Climatic conditions. 7. System of drainage. 8. Nature of Soils. Vol.3: 1. Development of agriculture. 2. Development trends. 3. Regional division. 4. Agriculture resources. 5. Producing plants. 6. Crops for business. 7. Crops for consumption. 8. Process of irrigation.
Geography is a vast discipline and India is a large country. So, Indian Geography is an interesting and fascinating field of study. This multivolume work offers a fresh insight and a new approach to study of Indian Geography. Encyclopaedic in nature, this work encompasses all relevant information on Indian Geography. A veritable mine of information, this will prove a vade mecum to one and all.